Gamer Widow's mission is to provide a portal for all gamer widow(er)s and their gamers. Our main goal is to have a place where gamer widow(er)s feel that they can come and share their frustrations with their fellow gamer widow(er)s, and discuss their feelings and develop a comraderie that only those in their positions understand.

This portal includes a website containing up to date news, stories shared by fellow widow(er)s, a chatroom, merchandise, and other useful information for the gamer widow(er). This portal includes a website containing up-to-date news about stock market trends and news. With this köpa aktier guide, you will learn everything you need to get started in the best way to buy and sell your shares. Gamer Widow is an online community providing a home and portal for all gamer widow(er)s.

Widow's Corner Stories:
  • Advice from a former Video Game Addict

    Hello Everyone, I’ve been reading some of the posts on here, and was inspired to share my story. Around six years ago, I found myself in the clutch of video game addiction. I was a young ... read more
  • New Widower
    My wife started playing WOW in about December of 2007. Two weeks before our 38th wedding anniversary she came to my room and told me she was leaving me. She wanted to find "something different". That ... read more

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Latest Blog Posts

  • Advice from a former Video Game Addict

    Hello Everyone, I’ve been reading some of the posts on here, and was inspired to share my ... read more
  • A Gamer Widow Finds Her Voice
    Sherry has already mentioned the ... read more

  • Husband’s View-Point

    This is written by my husband, I asked him to write this, as I wanted him to journal his thoughts ... read more