
Here you will find the musings of some of our members. Please feel free to comment on any story or if you are interested in becoming a contributing author, please Contact Us.

Advice from a former Video Game Addict

Posted January 14th, 2010 by RazorJack
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Hello Everyone, I’ve been reading some of the posts on here, and was inspired to share my story. Around six years ago, I found myself in the clutch of video game addiction. I was a young man, had an awesome girlfriend, had a mediocre job, and came from a close family. Nothing seemed to be out of place, and at the time I didn't think that I had ANY problems. My thoughts concerning playing excessive amounts of video games were like the thoughts of most of the addicted husbands and boyfriends mentioned on this forum… “I’m escaping, I need time for myself, It relaxes me, it’s better than being at a bar… blah blah blah”. I know right? The name of the beast was Playstation 2. It wasn’t necessarily an online game, and I wasn’t playing to the extent of some of the h ... read more

A Gamer Widow Finds Her Voice

Posted November 1st, 2008 by exgamer
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Sherry has already mentioned the Globe and Mail article. The writer told my story from my wife's perspective, giving voice to her pain in a way that the Dr. Phil Show didn't make time for in their format. I found it difficult to read, but it was the 'whole truth,' and needed to be written and read by gaming addicts and their loved ones. I called the writer looking for some information yesterday, and she actually seemed somewhat surprised that I liked the article. I thanked her for a job well done. Widows, print the article and get your gamer to read it. ... read more

Husband’s View-Point

Posted October 28th, 2008 by PsykiBlue
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This is written by my husband, I asked him to write this, as I wanted him to journal his thoughts and ideas as he transitioned from hardcore gamer to actually putting me first and how he viewed things. So here it is.

As a start, I'm not normally a writer, but my wife (Karla) asked me to write this little segment for her.  I figure it's rather easy to appease my wife's desires in this one, so here goes.  The focus of the segment?  A sentence that she sent to me.  And I quote..."I was wondering if you could write a piece about how/why/what happened/your thoughts on how you changed your mind on gaming and your habits and putting me first."  In all, an undesirable topic, but one that I completely understand the need for it to be written about.  Personally, I think the gamers o ... read more

Who is this site intended for?

Posted October 28th, 2008 by Lyoness
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You know...I was just browsing the forums and I came across a point that was brought up in a post back in May that I feel I should address.

If this site is not intended just for "Gamingwidows" then maybe it should be renamed "human relationships site".

When I first created this site back in '05, I was a World of Warcraft widow in need of a place where I could share my frustrations in a safe environment and help anyone I could to cope with the feelings that I was feeling.  At that time there were NO message forums for gamer widows. There was one Yahoo! email list for EverQuest widows (but I wanted more than just an email list) and there was OLGAnon (but I'm not really into the 12 steps thing and I felt the site wasn't really for me), so I cre ... read more

And slowly more pieces are fitting together….

Posted October 28th, 2008 by Lyoness
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So now we have a blog section, yay!! :) For anyone who is interested in writing for us and becoming a contributing author please register (using the links to the right) and then send me a quick message letting me know you want to write for us and why.  I will then approve or deny your request and you can start blogging. I'm so excited! ... read more


Posted October 28th, 2008 by PsykiBlue
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Its a relatively new word in terms of addiction. How does one exactly get to be a gaming widow? Normally, it has to do with when a person feels abandoned by their partner because of video games. I realize that people don't hold this as a valid addiction nor do they believe that the situations widows find themselves in are truly that bad. They also sometimes believe that if they're in that situation they can magically click their fingers and be out of it. It doesn't work that way. Not at all. If you need to an example try to imagine a woman or man who's being abused. Physically, emotionally, what have you. They've spent 10 years with this person, are emotionally invested in the relationship and their lives, they have kids together and all the while the person knows something is wrong yet ... read more