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WOW has taken over my husbands life...I hate this game!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:03 am
by MrsBeechy
Hi Everyone,

My husband is addicted to WOW and its taking over his life! WOW is his top most priority. He puts it way above me and our little girl who is 14 months old. He only helps out around the house after I nag him for days to do it and he gets pissed off if I ask him to stop playing. I don't know what to do anymore, please help me!!! I'm so upset!!! :cry2

Re: WOW has taken over my husbands life...I hate this game!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:52 pm
by ginabean
Hi Mrs Beechy - firstly, big hug to you. You aren't alone. Do you have someone you can talk to about this? Friends and family? How long has he been playing? I know it's a helluva lot to try and keep house and look after a little one at the same time, do you get any downtime? Any "me" time? Tell us a bit more about your situation.

I know my hubby has been going strong for the last 3 years on his games, problem is they are on mobile, so he never gets off, is always chatting to his "friends".

Has he ever got angry enough for you to feel threatened in any way? I'm a little concerned, can you please explain his behaviour when you ask him to do stuff or get off the game?

Thinking of you, keep in touch.