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Finally I'm not alone.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 1:59 pm
by LadyInWaiting
First things first, my name is bree I'm twenty years old my boyfriend is twenty-one, and we've been together for a few months now and its already to the point where I'm just like WTF. We started off as friends first, been friends for coming on 4 years now and I knew he was a hardcore gamer, I just figured things would be different since we are a couple now, but it's like he doesn't even know I exist, until he needs his urges satisfied. I think that is what makes me so mad, maybe if he was just ignoring me all the time, it would be different, but I just feel like he's using me and I really hope that's not the case. Basically my situation is like this, wake up first thing WoW I can't even get a good morning baby or anything. Then it's WoW all day and I do mean alll day. We work together and when we are at work he's playing WoW on the computer, like really? Is that normal? I eat lunch alone, while he sits at the computer and eats. When we get home it's non stop WoW, maybe I wanna watch a movie or something he will sit in front of the computer screen while I sit on the couch. If it wasn't for my dogs I would probably go crazy from neglect. I really love him I have for a while and I just feel like his heart isn't in it, and I really want this to work. I would hate for our relationship to end over something as trivial as an online game, but I just don't know anymore.

Re: Finally I'm not alone.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:47 pm
by ginabean
Hi Lady, welcome to the forum. You are in the enviable position that you have not ended up marrying this guy. You have some negotiating power and I think you need to use it. Take a step back and ask yourself if this is where you want to be in 5 or 10 years time. Maybe even with kids. If you love this man and truly believe you want to be with him you are going to have to make a stand. Draw the line. Firmly. State your expectations clearly, and tell him what you expect out of the relationship. We've all heard the excuses and been sucked in by them - don't do it - if you even hear "I deserve it, I work hard, you just don't want me to have fun or enjoy myself" don't fall for it. These guys are master emotional manipulators, and tend to find loving caring unselfish women and take advantage of their good nature. For your own sake, draw the line. Consider counselling if you want to try to save the relationship. If you think there's a realistic chance he may give it up for you, pursue that - BUT - experience of many others on the forums tells me that it's a long shot.

Good luck to you and stay in touch and let us know how you are doing.