Hi group. Wow I feel so happy to know I'm not bat shit crazy over my husbands gaming! As he tells me. I am married 15+ years. I have 4 lovely children. I work, work out, volunteer, and go to school part time and I feel very much like a single mother.
My husband began playing games about 2 years into our marriage. Being young and not knowing how marriage should be it took me 8 years to realize it was not normal for your husband to game 8+ hours a day and work. I went to bed alone nightly and we rarely did the deed. It was 6 years into this constant gaming that I got the nerve to really speak out. It went badly and I decided to leave with my kids. This woke him up and he abandoned all gaming.... for a few years.
Husband is back at it and gaming 6 hrs a day mostly at work but now hes playing all nights he is off from work all night long. His current game Guild Wars 2. He has logged over 1600 hrs in less then 7 months on just one of his accounts. He has 2. I find myself so angry at him I do not want to sleep next to him. We do not have sex ever, that would require him to be in bed. I do not think I am unattractive but maybe he isn't attracted to me? IDK its so sad I have the worse sex life ever. 3 times in 18 months.
I honestly just want a divorce and a new marriage. Anyone else feel this way? I am tired of being last in my family. I am tired of going to events alone or with him on his cell. I forgot to mention he is on his cell all day when hes not gaming. He is on message boards none stop. He cant even hold our baby without reading the board. The other day I discovered he is skyping and ventril talking to these guild members women included. He left it playing on his laptop. I heard the voices and realized he was talking to a group then a girl. It wasn't to inappropriate aside from the fact we never talk because if I talk I am bitching or nagging.
I call him on his gaming and phone use all the time and warn him hes destroying our marriage to which he ignores or gets really nasty. He calls me names and I call him on it too but he doesn't care.
My synopsis is he's addicted and cheating with a player online, hes gay,or he just hates me.
Putting it on here I realize how pathetic I am still married to him. Its just easier to be I guess.......I must be a saint to out up with it for so long.