Hi I'm Lyoness!
I'm the founder of gamerwidow.com and moderate various forums from time to time.
I have a love-hate relationship with WoW. Back in 2004 my husband first got the game -- we were only married a few months then (5 I think) and he fell more in love with that game than with me. This obsession/addiction/love affair with WoW kept going into 2005 and sometime in Jan or Feb I gave in and started playing myself at my hubby's request.
I myself got addicted. I found myself playing over 12 hours at a time (15 was my longest stint) and I was ignoring phone calls, not paying bills, not cleaning, not sleeping -- basically I was a mess and so was my home. My relationship though was flourishing. Or so I thought.
We would play together and chat in game and it felt wonderful at first, until I realized what it was doing to our real lives. After ignoring a phone call from my mom one day I finally "woke up". I quit playing in Feb/March '05 I only ever got to a level 33.
I really dove into creating this site and launched it in June of that year.
Since then hubby and I have worked and worked to get WoW out of our lives (or at the very least, get the addiction out of our home) and finally before the birth of our daughter in Sep. 2006, hubby gave WoW up for good.
He does play on his psp and occasionally on the xbox or even a few times tried WoW again since -- but he always puts us first now and doesn't let it bother him when he has to let his character 'die' in game or leave an instance or a raiding party behind -- he has realized that his family is more important than a bunch of strangers (and even friends) who are "counting on him" to help them destroy fictional characters.
So I say I love and hate the game.....well you all know why l hate it, but I also do love it in that it's one of the most fascinating and engrossing games I've ever played -- though I'm not a gamer so I haven't played too many (as I've never really had the interest).
I'm very thankful to everyone who volunteers on the site as moderators and admins as without them the site wouldn't be able to function. Our daughter is now 11 months old and is quite a handful and I'm still working from home. To top things off I'm also 5 months pregnant (our son is due Dec. 31st, 2007). So while I may not be as present on the forums as I'd like to, please know that the GamerWidow Community is always on my mind and I'm always looking for ways to make this place better for everyone.
If you ever need to talk, please feel free to PM me or send me an email.
Thanks for reading!