Links and Other Places of Interest

Here we’ve compiled a list of links organized by category that we feel will be useful to members of our community.  Enjoy!

Other Support Sites:

On-Line Gamers Anonymous - On-Line Gamers Anonymous is an organization and web site dedicated to helping those addicted to on-line games.

WoW Widows Yahoo group - An email list based support group dedicted to ‘WoW Widows’. This list is very active and its members are very caring and supportive. This group has an affiliation with

EverQuest Widows - An email list based support group dedicated to ‘EQ Widows’. They have been around for a long time and its members are genuine and very supportive.

Orchid Recovery Center - If you decide that you need help with your addiction, make sure to take the time to research your options fully. Consider treatment facilites that specialize in addiction treatment for women, or simply search for treatment options online.

Interesting Reads:

EQ Daily Grind - EQ Daily Grind is a blog that collects stories from EQ widow(er)s and other gamer widow(s). It’s an excellent read!.

GamingSucks - a site created by a WoW Widow who has had enough! She has an interesting spin on venting and a creative comic section that is sure to entertain. - A Journal of Online Gaming Addiction and Recovery. A blog written by a recovering 80 hour per week MMO player who nearly lost marriage and his life to this addiction. Registration is open to new subscribers and additional bloggers who would like to add to the site’s content.

Literature & Research:

The Daedalus Project - is an ongoing study of MMORPG players. MMORPGs (an acronym for Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games) are a video game genre that allow thousands of people to interact, compete, and collaborate in an online virtual environment. Over the past 6 years, more than 40,000 MMORPG players have participated in the project. Research conducted by Nick Yee.

Game Widow by Wendy Kays - a great book written by a Gamer Widow to answer the basic questions facing game widows, widowers, orphans & parents.